Narva Castle in Estonia and Ivangorod Fortress in Russia

Estonia Flag Estonia

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Did You Know?

Online Voting Pioneer

In 2005, Estonia became the first country in the world to allow online voting for its elections. ▶

Unique Competition

Wife-carrying is a competitive sport and popular pastime in Estonia that has husbands carrying their wives on their backs as they race through wet and dry obstacles. ▶

Christmas Legend

A popular Estonian legend states that the world’s first Christmas tree was planted in the center of Tallinn in 1441. Whether or not it is true, Tallinn hosts incredible Christmas markets every year that attract visitors from around Europe. ▶

Safety First

◀ Safety reflectors aren’t just for bikers. By law, people walking at night in Estonia must have safety reflectors on them.

Top Air Quality

Estonia has some of the best air quality on Earth, which may be a result of more than 50 percent of the country being covered with forests. ▶

Software Developers

Released in August 2003, the popular internet-based video chat service called Skype was founded by Estonian developers Zahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn, Danish developer Janus Friis, and Sweden's Niklas Zennstrom. ▶

Free Busing

For residents of the capital city of Tallinn, public transportation is totally free. Unfortunately, visitors do have to pay. ▶

Fashion Model Capital

◀ Estonia produces more fashion models per capita than any other country in the world.

Low High Point

Estonia is a very flat country. Its highest point, Suur Munamägi meaning "Great Egg Mountain," is only about 318 meters (1,043 feet) above sea level. ▶

Swampy Country

Roughly 20 percent of Estonia’s landmass is covered in bogs, wetlands, swamps, and marshes. ▶

Free Is Good

With free Wi-Fi available throughout the country, Estonia is considered a leader in providing free internet. ▶

Eyes to the Skies

◀ Home to more than 380 species of birds, Estonia is considered one of the top birdwatching destinations in Europe.

Two is Better Than One

Independence Day is celebrated twice in Estonia, once in February and again in August. ▶

Meteorite Mecca

Estonia is a hotbed for meteorite activity, ranking among the countries with the highest density of meteorite craters in the world. ▶

Swinging Sport

Kiiking, an odd Estonian pastime, is a sport that requires an athlete to stand on a large metal swing with stiff arms while pumping the swing by squatting repeatedly until the swing eventually begins to make complete 360-degree rotations. ▶



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